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    < 2024 >
    • Awakening Wellness Reiki & Sound Healing Experience
      7:15 PM -8:15 PM
      16201 FL-50, Suite 305, Clermont, FL 34711

      Immersion of Holy Fire Reiki and sound healing for an integrative attunement experience that brings one to complete balance and self-connected wholeness. The Holy Fire Reiki Sound Healing Experience is offered as an opportunity to rest, restore, heal, and connect with our core, that which is most closely connected to the Divine. More than just a sound bath, these immersive Holy Fire Reiki Meditation Sound Healing Experiences holistically bring to balance your entire Being by naturally inducing alpha and theta states, calming the mind, and taking you to higher levels of consciousness.
      Prior to the sound bath Elizabeth will guide you into a Holy Fire III Healing Meditation Experience. You will remain in this Holy Fire Healing Experience while Elizabeth does Sound Healing where she incorporates Crystal Bowls, tuning forks, Tibetan bowls and chimes. This synergy of sound creates a powerful space for healing while also receiving the reiki healing energy.
      Utilize the energy of this New Moon in Cancer to set your intentions and initiate new beginnings for this next lunar cycle.
      Prior to the sound bath Elizabeth will guide you into the a Holy Fire III Reiki Meditation Experience. You will remain in this Holy Fire Healing Experience while Elizabeth does Sound Healing where she incorporates Crystal Bowls, tuning forks, Tibetan bowls and chimes. This synergy of sound creates a powerful space for healing while also receiving the reiki healing energy. Students experience powerful healings, clearings, and releases in these sessions.
      Would you like to experience the transformative energy of Holy Fire Reiki? The Holy Fire Reiki Healing Meditation can be received by people who are unfamiliar with Reiki or by anyone with multiple Reiki attunements, ignitions & placements. This healing meditation is powerful as it helps to bring awareness to unwanted energy patterns, removes energy blockages, & can work on multiple levels of a person’s energy field. Bring intent for healing something in your life or perhaps to empower a goal. Please note: the Holy Fire Reiki Experience can be a catalyst for deep healing, so be prepared for this possibility!
      The Sound Healing combined with the meditation will make it a powerful evening!
      Reg: $35
      VIP: $55
      VIP includes Vibroacoustic Therapy on our heated Inner Soul Liquid Tranquility Sound Table, pillow, linens, eye pillow. Take your experience to new heights with VIP. Only 1 available so it is first come first serve. Call us at 407-364-8149 to book VIP.
      To register please go to the following link:
      What to bring:
      – Yoga Mat
      – Water
      – Blanket (optional)
      – Pillow or 2 (optional for head and knee comfort/support)
      – Eye Pillow (optional)
      – Bolster (optional)
      – Crystals (Optional)
      Please arrive early or on time. Doors close at 7:25pm.
      Elizabeth Polanco is a gifted Vibrational Sound Healer, Usui/Holy Fire Reiki III Master Teacher and professional member of the Reiki Membership Association. She is a FL Licensed Holistic Facial Specialist and holds additional certifications as a Aura and Celestial Healing Energy Medicine Practitioner, Certified Crystal Practitioner and Akashic Records Practitioner.


    • Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Class
      9:00 AM -6:30 PM
      16201 FL-50, Suite 305, Clermont, FL 34711

      The ART/Master training combines both Advanced Reiki Training and the complete Usui/Holy Fire® Master training into one three-day class workshop. Class times are 9am to 6:30pm each day. To qualify to take this class a student must have taken Reiki I & II and practiced Reiki II for at least six months. Also, a student must be able to draw the three symbols from Reiki II from memory. In the process of learning the healing techniques and attunements, and taking part in the guided meditations, each student will receive many healing experiences. This class will touch the very depths of your being by opening the portal to explore the your repressed self through shadow work.

      Advanced Reiki Training

      – The Usui/Holy Fire® Master attunement which increases the strength of your Reiki energy.

      – The Usui Master symbol which increases the effectiveness of the Reiki II symbols and can be used for healing.

      – The Practice using the Usui master symbol for treatments.

      – How to make a Reiki grid that will continue to send Reiki to yourself and others after it is charged.

      – Reiki aura clearing that allows you to remove negative psychic energy from yourself and others and send it to the light.

      – The Holy Love experience in which Divine Love is placed in your heart.

      Reiki III/Master

      – Holy Fire Healing Experience to remove negative energy and empower goals

      -Healing in the River of Life Experience

      – All 4 Reiki III Usui/Holy Fire® Master ignitions.

      – Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki I&II, ART and 4 ignitions for Reiki Master and the Healing Fire ignition.

      – The Usui/Holy Fire® Healing attunement that can be given to anyone and directs the powerful attunement energies to heal.

      – The Usui/Holy Fire® system of attunements and ignitions is taught as used by the International Center for Reiki Training and the Usui system of attunements is explained.

      – Lots of practice time with attunements.

      – How to give yourself attunements and ignitions.

      – The values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master.

      – How to teach including going over the class outline as well as how to develop and promote your Reiki business.

      – Class Manual

      – Certificate

      Instruction is given on the Usui/Holy Fire® system of attunements and ignitions. Other variations are also outlined in the class manual. Over half the class time is used for practice so the student becomes confident in administering Reiki attunements and ignitions. The Healing attunement and Aura Clearing (psychic surgery) is given and received by all students. This class is a powerful healing experience. While the content of the class will allow anyone to pass the ability to do Reiki on to others and to teach if one chooses, many take the class for their own use or to use with family and friends.

      As an approved continuing education provider for the Florida Board of Massage Therapy, LMTs will receive 12 CE credits for this class. Completed courses are reported to CE Broker within 24 hours and updated automatically to your license.

      Investment: $888 for the  three day workshop including the manual. Prerequisite is Reiki 1 & 2. Upon registering I will need you to provide certificates of completion for both classes. If you already took Reiki 1 & 2 with me there is no need to submit. Deposit is $300 with the balance of $588 due the day of class by cash or credit. Deposit can be purchased via Paypal link below under Holy Fire III Reiki ART/Master Class. To register please go to

    • Awakening Wellness Reiki & Sound Healing Experience
      7:15 PM -8:15 PM
      16201 FL-50, Suite 305, Clermont, FL 34711

      Immersion of Holy Fire Reiki and sound healing for an integrative attunement experience that brings one to complete balance and self-connected wholeness. The Holy Fire Reiki Sound Healing Experience is offered as an opportunity to rest, restore, heal, and connect with our core, that which is most closely connected to the Divine. More than just a sound bath, these immersive Holy Fire Reiki Meditation Sound Healing Experiences holistically bring to balance your entire Being by naturally inducing alpha and theta states, calming the mind, and taking you to higher levels of consciousness.
      Prior to the sound bath Elizabeth will guide you into a Holy Fire III Healing Meditation Experience. You will remain in this Holy Fire Healing Experience while Elizabeth does Sound Healing where she incorporates Crystal Bowls, tuning forks, Tibetan bowls and chimes. This synergy of sound creates a powerful space for healing while also receiving the reiki healing energy.
      Utilize the energy of this Stugeoun Full Moon in Capricorn to set your intentions and release what no longer serves you.
      Prior to the sound bath Elizabeth will guide you into the a Holy Fire III Reiki Meditation Experience. You will remain in this Holy Fire Healing Experience while Elizabeth does Sound Healing where she incorporates Crystal Bowls, tuning forks, Tibetan bowls and chimes. This synergy of sound creates a powerful space for healing while also receiving the reiki healing energy. Students experience powerful healings, clearings, and releases in these sessions.
      Would you like to experience the transformative energy of Holy Fire Reiki? The Holy Fire Reiki Healing Meditation can be received by people who are unfamiliar with Reiki or by anyone with multiple Reiki attunements, ignitions & placements. This healing meditation is powerful as it helps to bring awareness to unwanted energy patterns, removes energy blockages, & can work on multiple levels of a person’s energy field. Bring intent for healing something in your life or perhaps to empower a goal. Please note: the Holy Fire Reiki Experience can be a catalyst for deep healing, so be prepared for this possibility!
      The Sound Healing combined with the meditation will make it a powerful evening!
      Reg: $35
      VIP: $55
      VIP includes Vibroacoustic Therapy on our heated Inner Soul Liquid Tranquility Sound Table, pillow, linens, eye pillow. Take your experience to new heights with VIP. Only 1 available so it is first come first serve. Call us at 407-364-8149 to book VIP.
      To register please go to the following link:
      What to bring:
      – Yoga Mat
      – Water
      – Blanket (optional)
      – Pillow or 2 (optional for head and knee comfort/support)
      – Eye Pillow (optional)
      – Bolster (optional)
      – Crystals (Optional)
      Please arrive early or on time. Doors close at 7:25pm.
      Elizabeth Polanco is a gifted Vibrational Sound Healer, Usui/Holy Fire Reiki III Master Teacher and professional member of the Reiki Membership Association. She is a FL Licensed Holistic Facial Specialist and holds additional certifications as a Aura and Celestial Healing Energy Medicine Practitioner, Certified Crystal Practitioner and Akashic Records Practitioner.

